Review Texas Real Estate Investing Workshop

Online Workshop Testimonial by Kalpana Sharma

Online Workshop Testimonial by Kalpana Sharma July 26, 2020Leave a comment

Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses

In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:

It was just amazing especially because we got to attend from our home, while attending to our home

After taking the training, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?

Yes, we do

After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?


Select all that you loved

Have quite a number of tools to solve most problems

How did this training compare to any other training(s) you’ve taken?

I loved that Phill gave so many examples of deals with numbers and explained how to do each deal

What suggestions do you have for improvement?

We would love to have a support system where we can go and do the deals and get some feedback from experts without having to pay $50K right now for the coaching because we would like to first be able to use what we learnt

Rating Comments:

Content: Phill and Shenoah shared very practical and doable training
Presentation: It was very well thought out and properly planned with smaller breaks and ample time for Q& A and we so much appreciate Shenoah for staying till 9:45 PM to answer our questions
Presenters (Overall): Both of them are not only experts at doing different strategies but they are expert at teaching the mindset and the deals with examples
Phill Grove:
Expectations Met:
Overall Event: It was an amazing event and we got to attend it for FREE from comfort of our home. My husband has a very short attention span for meetings and so he never gets to go with me to any of these meetings but at home, we were able to project this meeting on our TV and watch it together. I am excited that he got to have some insight about creative real estate too






Presenters (Overall)


Phill Grove


Expectations Met


Overall Event


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