Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses
In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:
Awesome education. Focus on giving a context with examples of comercial RE while keeping it interactive. Definitely a good investment of my time.
After taking the training, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Not yet. Since this is mainly focused for experienced investors or accredited investors, some details were left out for me to use. However, the amount of information that I got gives me a strong foundation for real state investment.
After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Select all that you loved
The study cases + the Q&A
How did this training compare to any other training(s) you’ve taken?
No, most of them just give the stories of successful people and then try to sell a service. Here I actually got to learn techniques, strategies, and mentality shift to become a RE investor.
What suggestions do you have for improvement?
Maybe encourage a little bit more the interactive part (turning on the cameras, etc) but I know that some people might see that as a liability. Besides that, pretty neat overall
Rating Comments:
Content: Started with study cases which let you to enter the field in the eyes of a profesional. After some study cases, you are introduced to terms, strategies and other structures, which are easier to visualize thanks to the organization of the presentation. Besides, along the presentation there are several Q&A segments that help with the understanding of the material.
Presentation: The organization overall was neat. The implementation of the “virtual coffee” at the begging helped to get into the mentality for the rest of the day. It was structured in a way that all of the presenters had their time to explain their models and answer questions respectively. My only observation is that it would be nice to add a little schedule at the beginning of each day (ex: today we’ll see commercial RE focused on apartment complexes and in the Hospitality field)
Presenters (Overall): They were very knowledgeable in each of their fields. They seemed optimistic and motivated for their deals, and truly tried to explain to their best the models and strategies to newcomers.
Phill Grove: Taking into account that he could easily hire someone to do networking for him, the fact that he invested his time in a 3-day workshop is outstanding. He wants to improve his community and explains the concepts in a way that is easier to understand.
Expectations Met: Since I’m a new investor joining a commercial state workshop I knew beforehand that some of my doubts wouldn’t be addressed. Yet they modified the curriculum around the audience to address our necessities. However, they dove deep into many different class of assets, strategies, different sponsors personalities and more.
Overall Event: Way better than I was expecting. The structure of real study cases plus the Q&A sections gave space to a real dynamic environment. Besides, they explained terminology and strategies deep to their respective fields.