Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses
In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:
I knew a little bit what I was in for from watching a presentation that I saw on the Texas REIA facebook page. I’m glad that I used a PTO day for Friday to attend all of the days. Hopefully I can approve my own PTO days soon and become a full-time REI.
After taking the training, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Yes, absolutely. I’m going to cold call FSBO using the script that Phill suggested to get my feet wet.
After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Select all that you loved
The different strategies that you can apply to any situation in order to help people. I had no idea there were so many.
How did this training compare to any other training(s) you’ve taken?
I have listened to a few live events but have never taken a REI class.
What suggestions do you have for improvement?
Maybe let people know in the reminder email that yes it will be all day but they should plan for a quick lunch. Luckily I had quick food that I could make as there wouldn’t have been time to go get anything. I mean yes they could take a longer break but you don’t really want to miss anything.
I wish I could have joined as a big dog student. I know that it’s worth it so hopefully I can find some good deals to assign the contract to in order to raise funds. (That sucks though! It’s like giving away money!) Or possibly a subject to…I’d really like to JV with another BD before I get into flipping. Anyway, that’s my plan. Thank you again!
Rating Comments:
Content: The content was very useful. I learned a lot of new information. I had a Word template up on my second monitor and I’m fast at typing so I was able to take really good (searchable) notes. If I was writing it down I would have missed a lot of good info.
Presentation: Presentation was organized very well, the slides were concise and the speakers did good job of explaining everything.
Presenters (Overall): Honesty the presenters were great. Everybody was extremely knowledgeable and helpful.
Phill Grove: Thank you for putting this all together. If 1 hour is 5k (from don’t do minimum wage jobs) we just got thousands of dollars worth of your time AND information. I really appreciate it, thank you! thank you!. I liked the stories to break up the information a lot and I didn’t even get bored haha. You and Shenoah are lovely people.
Expectations Met: I was actually really excited for this event and it exceeded my expectations.
Overall Event: