Review Texas Real Estate Investing Workshop

Brandon Broadbent Reviews Texas Weekend Real Estate Workshop

Brandon Broadbent Reviews Texas Weekend Real Estate Workshop March 10, 2019Leave a comment

Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses

In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:

The workshop is better than most and cheap fro the content that was provided

After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?

I feel I have more knowledge and can build tools that we needed

What did you find MOST valuable in the training?

The content of the presentation when talking about the marketing, closes & strategic as well as the examples

How did this class compare to any other class you’ve taken?

Much better for cheaper. Don’t change that!..

What suggestions do you have for improvement?

The content & presentation will sell itself. Half a day at the beginning to talk about how much the presenter(s) make(s) is/are good, but it seemed like every day was talking about presenters personal wealth. Scale back a little.






Presenters (Overall)


Phill Grove


Expectations Met


Overall Event


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