Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses
In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:
Information overload. Becoming a student of this business will ultimately lead us to financial freedom.
After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Absolutely! REIA will walk & talk w/us to see us through deals. I can’t wait to get our 1st house. I’m terrified & excited all at the same time. Failure is not an option.
What did you find MOST valuable in the training?
I could see & feel that they’re not liars. We’ve lossed nearly 35K w/a Utah group. They took our money over a year ago leaving us to pay back the money w/no training.
How did this class compare to any other class you’ve taken?
They’re right here in Houston with us. They’re warm, fully equipped, locked & loaded. They’re professional, knowledgable welcoming, genuine, appreciative, accommodating & definitely experienced.
What suggestions do you have for improvement?