Video transcript:
Anna: Hi Steven, glad you have you joining us here today. Of course I’ve loved networking and meeting you this far. Can you please tell me about your experience in the Big Dog program?
Steven: My experience in the Big Dog program, in the beginning, was the fact that most of the pieces are well defined. Having an engineering background also makes it easier to define where I’m supposed to be at any point in time so if, in fact, I’m dragging or not moving forward as much as I should, I have a pretty good team to let me know. And so when I’m not making my calls as Phill pointed out, then you’re not making any money. And I’m like oh yes that is correct. So part of the program is my proving to myself that I can do it, number one, and number two, that I’ve got other people to move me forward when I’m not moving because I can ask for help. And that’s been sort of the fun part of it really because I think other programs that I have attempted at, I didn’t seem to move. I knew what I wanted and how I needed to move, but somehow just lost interest in doing it and I got spoiled many years ago because I was in the ROTC program that was giving away property and I could just pick it up cash so to speak and sell it so I didn’t really have to work hard at that. Now I’m having to work a little harder and I’ve got the support that makes it work better.
Anna: Oh my, so what’s your biggest takeaway from all that? What’s your biggest takeaway from the Big Dog program?
Steven: Support. Support is probably going to be my biggest takeaway from this program. And the fact that you know, I’m not quite sure where you are or where I am in the fact that, am I even being functional in making this thing work. So initially it was, I can’t lose unless I don’t work and so that’s where I’m stuck so to speak. If I’m not doing something it’s not your fault, it’s my fault. But I need to know why sometimes, why am I not moving forward and he can point that out pretty clearly.
Anna: Well thanks so much, we’re glad to have you here. Thanks for sharing!