Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses
In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:
I did this under “Content” Comments.
After taking the training, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Yes! I feel much more confident. Though I still have some fear, I know that once I get out there and practice doing what we learned that I will be able to get past those fears.
After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Select all that you loved
It’s hard to choose just one thing, but I guess the real life stories and pictures that back up all that Phil was teaching. These stories showed how it’s done, that it’s being done, and that it works!
How did this training compare to any other training(s) you’ve taken?
I have not taken any other real estate classed, but I expect that they would be boring compared to this one. 😉
What suggestions do you have for improvement?
Maybe you could show what a Trec Contract looks like when it is filled out.
Rating Comments:
Content: Thank you all SO much for all that you shared with us! I learned more than I expected because you even included some wonderful life coaching that I now see can make all of the difference. The experiences and advice that the other Big Dogs shared helped a lot! It seems everyone may do things a little differently, and it was good to understand why. This was an enlightening weekend! I loved that Shenoah shared her heart and that you are doing this to help people as well. You all are awesome! 😀
Presentation: Couldn’t have been better, unless we would have had access to the fresh peanut butter cookies.
Presenters (Overall): All the presenters shared great content and I especially enjoyed the pictures. Pictures always help.
Phill Grove: 5 Stars!! Phil was GREAT!!! He hung in there with us the longest and continued to go over things until we understood. Phil is a wonderful storyteller to get the point across. The clueless deer on the highway, with the “FORECLOSURE” semi-truck headed straight toward him, made all of the difference for me. Otherwise, I am that person that once told off, I’d probably say, “I wish you the best and have a nice day,” and be done. I am all about helping people, but I will have to learn to be more aggressive. Thank you, Phil!! 🙂
Expectations Met: Expectations exceeded.
Overall Event: 5 Stars!!