Phill Grove Event Review Questionnaire Responses
In your own words, please tell us what you thought of the workshop:
After taking the training, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
You can make money if you use the tools and the network.
After taking the class, do you feel like you have new tools to make money in real estate?
Select all that you loved
Going thru actual case studies.
How did this training compare to any other training(s) you’ve taken?
Other training I have taken was mainly drilling concepts without real world case studies.
What suggestions do you have for improvement?
Creating a week long and program 4 hrs a day so the students do not get burnout and have time to study the concepts.
Rating Comments:
Content: Priceless
Presentation: Very Thorough
Presenters (Overall): Knowledgeable
Phill Grove: My future Mentor
Expectations Met: Surpassed
Overall Event: Not 1 min wasted.